Mixed Carnation Bouquet


Order Mixed Carnation Bouquet online at the best price from Naulo Koseli and deliver happiness to your loved ones on their special day.

This product is only delivered inside Kathmandu Valley : Kathmandu , Lalitpur , Bhaktapur , Kirtipur
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Order Mixed Carnation Bouquet online at the best price from Naulo Koseli and deliver happiness to your loved ones on their special day.

Mixed carnation bouquet includes 10 pcs of carnation and 2 pcs of roses along with it. Carnation flower bouquet is suitable gifts for your loved ones. You can gift as birthday gift, anniversary gift, and any special celebrations.

Send carnation flower bouquet online to Nepal from Australia, USA, Japan, UK, Canada and any other countries. Grow your love and strengthen the bond between loved ones even though you are far away.

Additional information

Weight 0.09 kg


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